Wednesday, November 25, 2015

AwesumScape Habit-zoo

I've been playing Runescape for well over 11 years now, and I just started using an online tool in a way I never did before; for tracking my Runescape quests.  Habitica as it's known is a wonderful online website-type tool that lets users enter things to do in 3 categories: Habits, Dailies, and To-Do's.  Each one has different functionally as they should, and so each one works differently.  In my To-Do's column, I am currently working on having all of the important quest stuff that I have to do.  In my Dailies, I have tasks like, "Cap at the citadel" and "Treasure Hunter," as well as Daily Skilling and Deposit orts.  Now in Habits, I have entered one in particular which helps me to get bonus XP and drops when I use up my Skill Bonus XP from shooting stars and necklaces or just anything at all which gives you a bonus.

And all of these have tags to help me when I just ant to work on one thing at a time, not 4, 5, or 6.  (besides, Multi-tasking I heard is very bad for you.)  The screenshot picture shows all of my Runescape stuff for right now.  So here's me in a screenshot at the Grand Exchange:

Do you like it?                                                                                                               It's very surreal.

If you click the little linkies in this post, you can  go to the referenced websites above.